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No Devil Slideout
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Solitaire - Battle
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Solitaire - Doublets
Solitaire - Jackataire
Solitaire - Klondike
Solitaire - Klondike T1
Solitaire - Siege Azul
Solitaire - Spiderette
Solitaire - Yukon
MTG Bonk for Second Life and Avination
Configuration Support

Bonk Home | Release Notes | Configuration Support | How To Play

Getting Started:

To get your MTG Bonk game going you'll need to edit the games' configuration file which is located within the game. To do this, start by opening the file by selecting your game and choosing "Open" from the menu.

Once the file is open you will see a a list of options, these options all must be present for the game to operate correctly, removing an option completly may result in an unstable game. Should your games' configuration file become damaged, you can download a new one here and paste it into your file.


Default Settings:

At anytime you can replace your configuration file with the original settings which can copy from here.


The Options:

Cost   Example

This is the price that must be paid by a player in order to play the game.

For freeplay games, set this option to 0.

This option is ignored for multipay games.



Pot   Example

The starting amount for how much the game should payout when the MAXSCORE setting is exceeded by the player.

This option is ignored for multipay games.



Percent   Example

The percentage (rounded down) of the payin price that will be added to the pot at the start of each game.

This option is ignored for multipay games.



Multipay Payout   Example

The multiple of the pay in price that will be paid to the player if they win.

Example: If this is set to 10 and the player pays 10 then when the player wins they will be paid 100 (10 x 10 = 100).

IMPORTANT : If this option is set to any number greater than 0 the game will operate in Multipay mode and ignore the COST, POT and PERCENT options.



Multipay Prices   Example

A list of 4 payin prices seprated by commas that will be presented to the player as their options when they pay the game. You can disable options by setting them to 0.

Example: If you wanted the player to be able to pay 10, 25, 50 or 100 you would set this option to 10,25,50,100.



Timeout   Example

The amount of time the player has to make a move before the game ends in seconds. The time the player has is actually twice this amount becuase they will get one warning the first time this timeout value is reached.



Max Score   Example

The score needed to win the game.



Dibs   Example

The amount of time in seconds the game will be reserved for the last player.



Contest Channel   Example

If set to any value other than 0 the game will announce the score, player name and player's uuid on that channel as a csv line at the end of each game. This option should be set to 0 for security if not in use.



Stoploss   Example

The amount (as a positive number) that the machine can lose before it disables its self.

Example: If you want the game to stop if it loses more than 10,000 Linden Dollars (or Care Coins), you would set this option to 10000.



Pay For Play   Example

Set this option to 1 to include it in a MTG Pay For Play system.

Set this option to 0 to disable this feature.




Somthing you wanted thats not here? Tell us about it: support@mootowngames.com





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Second Life is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Linden Research.
Second Life Search profile pictures are the property of Linden Research, Inc. and are used for illustration purposes only.
Avination and the Avination Logo are trademarks and property of Careminster Limited. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Careminster Limited.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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