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MTG Bonk for Second Life and Avination

Bonk Home | Release Notes | Configuration Support | How To Play

About :

Bonk is an exciting fast paced game where it is up to you to stop monsters and robots from invading our city. You are Sgt. Bonk and it is your mission, should you choose to accept it, to navigate the city roads with your tank and get to the bad guys, using as few moves as possible.

Bonk features a 6x5 grid which will change between over 1500 different sets of roads each round of the game. Players and monsters start on random tiles each round. Using keyboard arrow controls or by clicking on the tile they which to move to, the player must get to a tile where a monster is located.

Each round will feature two randomly selected monsters which are worth between 1,000 and 8,000 points. Each time a player moves their point value decreases by 10%, though never less than 10% of the original point value.

Features :

  • Four different skins which can be selected via the owner menu by clicking the game.

  • Multipay option allows for the game to have up to four different payin options and payout a multiple of the amount paid by the player.

  • Owner settable Score To Beat.

  • Optional percent to pot option allows for progressive games.

  • Freeplay setting.

  • Configurable channel for third party add-ons such as contest boards and stat collectors.

  • Works with either Linden Dollars (L$) in Second Life or Care Coins (C$) in Avination.

  • Moo Town Game Track licensing prevents the risk of losing games due to inventory or asset server problems.


Find Out More :

Release Notes | Configuration Support | How To Play

Questions / Comments: support@mootowngames.com






MTG Bonk can be purchased at the Moo Town Games Store in Second Life or Avination and is available in four different versions:

1 Packs L$ or C$ 2,495
5 Packs L$ or C$ 11,275
10 Packs L$ or C$ 21,000
20 Packs L$ or C$ 38,000

Prices are in the respective currency of the virtual world in which the product is purchased.
Product licenses are non-transferable in Avination.
Procuct licenses cannot be transfered between worlds or grids.

This Product is sold as MOD | NO COPY | TRANS in Second Life
This product is sold as MOD | NO COPY | NO TRANS in Avination




©2007 - 2025 the owner of the Second Life™ avatar Zoie Reinard. All Rights Reserved.
Second Life is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Linden Research.
Second Life Search profile pictures are the property of Linden Research, Inc. and are used for illustration purposes only.
Avination and the Avination Logo are trademarks and property of Careminster Limited. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Careminster Limited.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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