Big Bang
Hokus Pokus
King Bing
Mother Freak'n Zombies
No Devil
No Devil Contest Room
No Devil Grid Wide
No Devil Slideout
Reel Wild
Scratch It
Solitaire - Aces Up
Solitaire - Battle
Solitaire - Canfield
Solitaire - Doublets
Solitaire - Jackataire
Solitaire - Klondike
Solitaire - Klondike T1
Solitaire - Siege Azul
Solitaire - Spiderette
Solitaire - Yukon
About Moo Town Games
Trust, Excellence and Innovation Since 2007

Moo Town Games was founded by Paso Clip and Zoie Reinard on December 16th 2007. When Moo Town was started we had 18 games and a 4,000 sqm parcel. Moo Town's current facility includes more than 500 games split between three dedicated 65,000 sqm sims. Since our start in 2007, over 22,000 people have enjoyed spending time at Moo Town playing over 11 Million Games!

Paso and Zoie have made a commitment to the gaming community in Second Life to keep games fair and honest. We are proud to offer refunds in the event of transaction problems and try to respond to any concerns within 24 hours. Moo Town has made significant investments in infrastructure, offering a state of the art, two floor, facility, equipped with jump signs to instantly transport you anywhere in the building with one click. Our new website support area allows both players and Moo Town business customers to open support tickets online even when they cant get to Second Life.

Moo Town Games was proud to introduce its Solitaire game for Second Life in July of 2008. Since then Solitaire has become one of the most popular games in SL and has been expanded into the Solitaire Suite For Second Life which currently includes 10 different game types players can choose from. This game has the unique ability to function as a multi-settings games. Game owners can configure the game to include up to 50 different settings in a single machine and up to 10 per game type. Games for Solitaire include Klondike, Klondike Turn One, Aces Up, Canfield, Yukon, Battle, Jackataire, Siege Azul, and Spiderette.
Find out more about Solitaire.

In, August, 2008, Moo Town was proud to become a major sponsor of the Second Life Spanish Football League, Liga De Futbol Profesional SL, also known as LFPSL. Moo Town Games has contributed L$300,000 ($1,132 USD) to sports in SL enabling competition between players around the world.

In December 2008, Moo Town Games contributed over L$40,000 ($150 USD) worth of prizes to a raffle to raise money for a real family in need for the holiday season.

Also in December 2008, Moo Town began sponsoring the weekly Second Life events pod cast, "What The Plurk".

In January 2009, Moo Town Games became the first major sponsor of Rezzed.TV which is a network dedicated to bringing audio and video related broadcasts (commonly known as podcasts or netcasts) to the world. They have a variety of audio and video shows currently available ranging from daily virtual world news to the hottest sports action in Second Life. Moo Town continues to invest in the sharing of knowldge and ideas thoughout the virtual world through Rezzed.TV and other virtual world blog sites such as MoonLetters.com.

Starting with King Bing Slideout, Moo Town Games partnered with 3K Games in June of 2009 to bring grid wide competition capabilities to many games throughout the virtual world. This allows players to compete against each other accross the grid. We have since expanded the system to include No Devil Slideout, Bricks Slideout, Joker Slideout, and Solitaire Slideout. Slideout games now exsist in hundreds of regions throught Second Life. You can get a deployment kit for any of the Slideout games in-world at the 3K Games Enjoy Land Store.

Moo Town Games purchased the devlopment and intelectual property rights to the game "No Devil" in August 2009 from an independant devloper. We have since released No Devil version 3 and version 4. Following up on the success of our work with French devlopers 3K Games, we once again partnered with them to bring the code base of their hit product "King Bing" to No Devil while retaining the unique game play that made No Devil successful. This combination created what is now one of the fastest running and best preforming games available in the virtual world. No Devil is available for play and purchase at Moo Town Games or the Moo Town Games Store in-world.

In addition to sponsorships and charitable contributions, Moo Town give's away up to L$28,800 ($108 USD) to its customers per day through its Pay for Play Rewards System. Each year this amounts to L$10,512,000 ($39,667 USD) given back to the gaming community.


©2007 - 2025 the owner of the Second Life™ avatar Zoie Reinard. All Rights Reserved.
Second Life is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Linden Research.
Second Life Search profile pictures are the property of Linden Research, Inc. and are used for illustration purposes only.
Avination and the Avination Logo are trademarks and property of Careminster Limited. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Careminster Limited.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
All your base are belong to us. Launch all zig for great justice.