Big Bang
Hokus Pokus
King Bing
Mother Freak'n Zombies
No Devil
No Devil Contest Room
No Devil Grid Wide
No Devil Slideout
Reel Wild
Scratch It
Solitaire - Aces Up
Solitaire - Battle
Solitaire - Canfield
Solitaire - Doublets
Solitaire - Jackataire
Solitaire - Klondike
Solitaire - Klondike T1
Solitaire - Siege Azul
Solitaire - Spiderette
Solitaire - Yukon

The Solitaire Suite for Second Life is one of the most expandable and extensive games in the virtual world. Solitaire contains a number of games called Game Types which players can choose from. Each game can be configured a number of ways in a single machine, eliminating the need for tons of machines to be deployed as is the case with most games in Second Life.

Each Game Type has the ability to function in one or more of three ways, these are Pay Per Card, All or Nothing, or Freeplay.

In the Pay Per Card mode the player will win a percentage of their wager (bet) for each card they get to the foundations (or remove in some games). This allows players to win a portion of their money back even when they don't complete the game.

The All or Nothing mode allows you to set games so that a specific score must be reached before the player will win anything, the amount won or pot is a multiple of the players wager.

In Freeplay mode, owners can configure a specific pot to win and a score required to win. The game will require players to pay it L$1 and the L$1 will be returned to players when they start the game.

Each Game Type can be configured to work in any or all of the three modes and even multiple settings for each mode in the same machine. Up to 12 settings per game type.

There are currently 10 different games available for the Solitaire Suite.

Aces Up
Siege Azul


Solitaire can be purchased at the Moo Town Games Store In-World. And is available in three different versions:

Single Packs
  • 1 Game including all game types
  • Includes any future game types as free updates
  • Can be transferred or re-sold
  • 5% of payin sent to Paso Clip as commission
  • Games played by game owner do not pay commission
L$3,000 + Commission
Copy Packs
  • Unlimited Copies of the Game including all game types
  • Includes any future game types as free updates
  • Cannot be transferred or re-sold
  • 5% of payin sent to Paso Clip as commission
  • Games played by game owner do not pay commission
L$20,000 + Commission
Non-Commission Copy Packs
  • Unlimited Copies of the Game including only Klondike
  • Additional Game Types Sold Separately As Addons
  • Cannot be transferred or re-sold
  • No Commission Payments Sent To Paso Clip
  • Limit 1 Region Per License (you may purchase additional licenses)



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Second Life is a trademark of Linden Research, Inc. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Linden Research.
Second Life Search profile pictures are the property of Linden Research, Inc. and are used for illustration purposes only.
Avination and the Avination Logo are trademarks and property of Careminster Limited. Moo Town Games is not affiliated with Careminster Limited.
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