Moo Town Games BlackJack by Paso Clip Copyright 2011 Moo Town Games For instructions on how to use this file, please select the "Support" option from the owner menu to visit our support website. For any YES/NO options 0 is no and 1 is yes. MIN BET=1 MAX BET=500 MIN ROYAL BET=1 MAX ROYAL BET=50 DECKS=8 DOUBLE AFTER SPLIT=1 RESPLIT ACES=0 HIT SPLIT ACES=0 DEALER HITS ON SOFT17=1 DEALER HOLE CARD=1 DEALER WINS TIES=0 BLACK JACK PAYS=1.5 WIN PAYS=1 INSURANCE PAYS=2 ROYAL MATCH PAYS=25 SUITED BJ PAYS=5 EASY MATCH PAYS=2.5 INSURANCE TIMER=10 BET TIMER=15 PLAY TIMER=30 STOPLOSS=10000 PAY OPTIONS=10,25,100,500 TABLE TEXTURE=